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I own an 18-year-old gelding that is kept primarily in a stall and small run. I ride only on the weekends. I feed him 20 lb (9 kg) of fortified forage pellets each day, divided into two meals. He seems to stay the same weight at all times, no matter the season. Is this too much feed, though?


The fortified forage pellets you’re feeding are primarily composed of good-quality Bermudagrass and alfalfa hay. Because of their high forage content, they can replace all, or part of, the forage portion of the diet.

Complete feeds are designed to be fed at a high feeding rate (1.5-2% of body weight per day) to meet forage requirements. For a 1,000-lb (450-kg) horse, 20 lb (9 kg) of feed daily is an acceptable amount to meet his nutrient and forage requirements. Since forage alone doesn’t provide complete nutrition, the manufacturer includes micronutrients, making the pellets a nutritionally complete option.

If you are concerned about offering 10 lb (4.5 kg) of feed in a single meal, you may split the total amount into three or four meals a day. Because the pellets are a low-starch, grain-free feed, it does not pose the same threat of hindgut acidosis like a normal high-grain diet would. Offering a flake or two of hay daily is also suggested to contribute long-stem forage to the diet and maintain digestive motility.


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